Friday 8 February 2013

Changes to my film


These two shots are extras shots I included to develop the narrative further  The connotations of the bottom image imply that she is looking at war related news articles because of her husband being killed in action. With this shot being juxtaposed with the previous shot of her husband in the door way, in the sepia tone, imply s her husband isn't alive anymore, and has died due to war related incidents.

This shot off my protagonist turning on the radio before she begins to prepare breakfast and sees her husband sitting his armchair, allows to audience to remember when she was happy with her husband. Initially the song is non-diagetic at the beginning of the film, but when it is repeated again when she is alone it becomes diagetic. The repeat of the song reminds the audience of the couple together, and is a motif of the emotions connected to this song.

The final shots of the protagonist looking the picture of her and her husband together in her purse, then walking towards the door and switching the light off connotes she is leaving the memories of her and her husband behind and 'turning the lights off' on their relationship. 

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