Friday 8 February 2013

Audience feedback

Georgia Corrigan, 17. A2 Film Studies student.

"The rain is a good effect."
"Extend on the war element, and maybe another piece of music underneath the rain effect. Change the music from the radio to sound more realistic as a diegetic sound."

Luke, 16. AS Media student.

"I think the shot of the hands opening the card is too long, and should be cut down to help the scene flow better."

Amy Wright, 17. A2 Media student.

"I think maybe the shot when she is sat on the bed, lent over, is too long. You could make the black and white shot blurry around the edges using matrox mask tool to connote a dream or memory. I really like the scene when she is looking through the doorway into the dinning room. It makes you think he is dead."

Robert Gibbs, 18. A2 Film and A2 Media student. 

"Very good shot of the petal falling. Good that it puts the story across without directly telling the audience. Great use of the sepia tone to suggest the audience that it is not real."

Josh Worthington, 18. A2 Film and A2 Media student. 

"Good song choice, and good edit of lighting. Ambient sound is effective and the re-use of the song. I like the dutch angle when looking at the protagonist looking at the picture of her and her husband together."

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