Friday 26 October 2012

Casting considerations

Casting Considerations for Bradley:

Josh Worthington, 18.
In terms of typage, Josh was unsuitable for the role of Bradley because of his light coloured hair. I wanted to have a character that had a dark brown or dark blonde coloured hair to fit the rugged appearance of a soldier. I felt that Josh's light hair colour made him look innocent and didn't convince the audience of his role in the army. I also felt that his build didn't match the fitness requirements intended to convince the audience that he was a soldier based in Afghanistan.   

Riley Wong, 17. 
Although Riley was very capable of following my shooting script and pulled off a convincing actor, in terms of typage Riley's appearance wouldn't have convinced the audience that he was a soldier. His glasses gave the stereotype that he was very intelligent and would most likely be in a office or a highly skilled job rather than outside in the elements. 

Casting considerations for Sarah:

Georgia Corrigan, 17.
Georgia was also very capable at convincing the audience of her role as a widow. But her light coloured hair didn't match Bradley's darker colour, which made them seem less of a couple. Although her hair colour gave the impression of innocence, I wanted a character with darker coloured hair to give the code that she was mourning for her deceased husband. 

The characters I chose to use were suitable for each other because of their similar hair colour and their similar height. These similarities made them look a comfortable couple on screen, and the way the were comfortable with each other on set allowed me to portray a convincing couple for the audience to watch. 

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