Thursday 31 January 2013

Music ideas

This is one idea for the music that will be introduced to my film when my protagonist switches on the radio in the kitchen. The lyrics to this song will go well and support my narrative, and the meaning behind my choice of clips and the mis-en-scene.

Rush number two

Monday 28 January 2013

Ambient sound ideas

With the sound of rain running throughout the second half of my sequence, when my protagonist is on her own, it will resemble her tears and the idea that she is mourning for her deceased husband. I will then incorporate extra shots of my protagonist turning on the radio in the kitchen, which will then play diagetic sound over top of the sound of rain.

Thursday 10 January 2013

To do list:

To do before the 8th Feb:
  1. Finish re-shooting
  2. Finish filming
  3. Begin editing of new shots
  4. Upload considerations and annotate and explain
  5. Ensure all planning is annotated and explained fully.