Friday 30 November 2012

Updated animatic

Before i finished filming, i realised that extra shots were needed to improve the narrative; and to convince the audience that her husband had died as a soldier at war, without showing footage of him fighting or in army uniform.  I story boarded extra shots of my protagonist getting out of bed and looking at news articles related to the war. I also included my protagonist switching on the radio in the kicthen, playing the same song that played at the start, to remind the audience of when she was happy with her husband.

Thursday 29 November 2012

To do list:

What I need:
  • Recce report - evidence for locations
  • Pictures of costume/prop considerations
  • Evidence of casting considerations
  • Shooting/Edit log
  • A risk assessment
  • Scan in exmaples of screen play
  • Shots of my film to explain why I used those shots

Sunday 25 November 2012

Preparing actors before filming

Because of my low budget and limited time for pre-production and production i had to make sure my actors and locations were available for shooting.
I prepared my actors by:
  • allowing them to see the storyboard and anamatic before shooting for them to visualise what i would like for the characters to do
  • allowed them to see the screen play also for the desired movements for the characters
  • allowed time for run throughs a day or an hour before i begin to shoot
  • when shooting i made sure not to shoot for too long, to allow for my actors to focus and not strain their concentration

Thursday 22 November 2012

Film Music Choices

The Lumineers - Ho Hey (Time - 01:06-01:16, 01:32-01:52)
For the beginning first 12 shots (40seconds)
This song suits the beginning of my film because of the upbeat folk music. It will hopefully put the audience in a happy mood and then link their mood with what they are watching on the screen (the characters happy together and celebrating their anniversary)

Ed Sheeran - Give Me Love (Time - 00:00-02:01)
For the 23 remaining shots.
The lyrics of this song link well with what my protagonist will be doing and thinking throughout this sequence. The slowed down tempo will put the audience in a sadder mood, and realise that the protagonist is upset because she is now alone.

Friday 2 November 2012


This anamatic, or a storyboard, allows the actors for my film and myself to:
  • see the whole film in a visual form
  • allows me to see the layout of the film
  • see what lighting/camera shots are needed
  • allow me to 'try out' ideas
  • allows actors to visualise movements needed from the character